Monday, March 5, 2012

The inevitable pace of time

One carrot

Two carrot

Three carrot

Four carrot

Once I watched in a  tv show that  persons  count  the seconds with words  when they don’t  have  a  clock. Mom asked me to give her few seconds and she would help me with my writing, but I think that it already took too much time. There is no doubt that doggies have a good concept of time. We know when it is time to eat, Our stomach has an alarm to tell us when our battery is almost over, and we know when it’s time to sleep, because our eyes get tired of seeing the world. We also know when it´s time to go out for a walk, or watering the grass. Our biological clocks are more effective than the humans watches with their expensive brands and fancy designs.

8 carrot

9 carrot

Have you ever seen mom? If you see her please tell her that I  only know to count up to 20, so that by then, I already will have be done with my patience.

12 carrots

13 carrot
Mom is trying to feed Benny, unlike diabetes, requiring only a shot of insulin, kidney disease is irreversible. Benny has had ups and downs. Some days he eats up to 4 cans of food per day, while other days there is nothing he wants to eat. The kitchen table seems like a  pet store, here are all the cans that dad found in different stores, all with different labels, all ensuring that any cat can resist its flavor. Some show so fascinating names and unimaginable culinary combinations. Some have pictures of cute kittens or juicy pieces of meat. Some others say with large letters this is an organic product and the best for nutrition for cats. But Benny simply does not want to eat at all.

14 carrot

15 carrot

Benny receives furthermore intravenous to keep his kidneys as best as possible. Mom and dad ceased to give a medication that caused him nausea. The last time that vet measured his blood levels, some of the indicators were so high that the machine not recorded them, so  mom and dad thought that no longer it mattered, he will go anyway.
Benny spends the day in bed and mom goes to see every 30 minutes. When time decides and Benny’s body finally collapse, someone will come to make him sleep. The doctors who do this service know a lot of about thanatology. My folks were afraid of taking such an important decision. Some creatures simply die, others spend eternal agonies and doctors and others persons who have gone through the same, say that cats with kidney disease usually don’t die by themselves, and they suffer too much. Nobody wants that Benny suffers. So when time is over for Benny he will sleep and won't wake up anymore.
We have not bothered each other long ago, I'm glad when he has enough strength to get out of the bedroom.  It had to be that way since we met and we become officially brothers. I think that it’s true what John Lennon said: life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

16 carrot

17 carrot

18 carrot

Mom is here with me, thank you for letting her know that I was already ending numbers!. Now we’ll begin to write our next story so we can continue taking your attention. There is nothing like a story to forget about the problems of the world. Right?

If you would like to know more about mom’s writing you can visit her web site:
Para la versión en español, da click en la parte superior derecha

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