Friday, February 24, 2012

Intelligence walks on 4 paws

Even though scientific confirmation was not needed, the anthropologist Brian Hare from Duke University has dedicated his life to the Duke Canine Cognition Center that examines the relationship between social behavior and Cognition in animals, and he says that canine abilities are due to our mental flexibility. But it has a touch of kindness, since he says that science is more surprised that our owners, because anyone who has had a dog around, will have understood our overwhelming need to learn and love.

But that is no surprise, because there are some buddies who have learned to take care of humans, for example dogs that works like eyes being guides for blind persons, there are units of canine police, and there are more than one story where a doggy walked many miles or waited for days to meet of those who loves.

Dr. Hare has three hypotheses to explain our infinite intelligence: the first is that it is due to the daily learning of how to behave and the next idea is that being predators, we learn to use social signs to survive, and between humans, we employ those skills evolutionarily granted. The third hypothesis is that domestication given us for years and years,  has shaped our brains and it has given us clues to behave among humans.

And we must bear well, because otherwise sometimes human don't understand us and they rush us to the street. We believe that this happened to Champy, his first family did not understand him. But he has now a family that wants him, and gives him everything he needs. Dad bought him one of these t-shirts to control his anxiety, those which are also used with children with a diagnosis of autism. Now he sleeps with it to avoid his anxiety attacks and also has an air-freshener with pheromones to help him to feel comfortable while he is alone.

Dr. Hare also explains that the prefrontal cortex in domesticated dogs is different when he compares the same are of wild dogs, this area controls our aggressive behavior, although if a child or another dog attacks us, we will defend ourselves,  not because we want to be bad, is just that we have no other way to care ourselves. But Mom says that this structure comes into operation when person insults another or if a person perceives an attack.  Even academic degrees are forgotten!.

Mom’s magazine also says that this specialist mentions that species survive better when they find other partner more intelligent, that's why we got also with humans, more intelligent they are, better conditions we have and we learn more.

That’s why I have learned in recent weeks to adapt to blindness, if I want something only need to bark  and mom has learned that is not difficult to know what I want, as my needs are reduced to 4 things: I want to kibbles, carrots (small pieces, please), I want to come out to wet and  fertilize the grass, or I want to water. But of course hugs are always well received!

I have also learned that life is the moment that you love and you're loved. That is why that Benny is still among us, because although the article does not mention the Bennys, I believe that everything that this researcher has said about the dogs applied to cats. They are very intelligent, except that Benny has not read the notes of his doctor: she said he had only  few days of life, but that was said more than one month ago, and he remains here, enjoying the love we have for him.

It is thus that I would humbly like to add something to the theory of Dr. Hare: love makes us better. And there are many examples!, as my friend Hachiko, who lives in Mexico City  and moves in a wheelchair and for whom the world has not ended, if you want to know it, click this link:

Hachiko you're a winner!,  life does not end when someone else tells us is done, but when we decided to. Life is wonderful!

Here is the reference of the article the Doctor at Duke, whom we wish a lot of  success in what you do. You have earned our respect.

Hutson, M. (2011) The dog in the mirror. Discover. Special issue: The Brain . 63-65.

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