Friday, July 13, 2012

The world

The world is the finite space where life happens, where Champy plays, where plants and flowers grow, where the carrots and plants of cans food are developed, where our grandparents smile at us.

The world is confined to a sphere called planet that from the space looks blue, because there is a lot of water in it, and when you can see it more closely, the buildings and the people appear as ants in a just mowing courtyard.

I remember seeing that in a documentary that mom let me watch when she had to work to do. I learned that you can know the world running, walking, flying, by bicycle, by car; each part of the surface is different and people that live in it change in their physical characteristics and their way of speaking, that featured different signs on the screen depending on the region of the documentaries.

I have been thinking  about the world lately because is so  hot in this piece of the universe, that sometimes I think maybe is an attack of the Sun to kill the carrots that I like so much, I will not have to fight against  rabbits for the last carrot in the world!, my war will be against the heat. We all want some rain soon; otherwise I do not know how my carrots can survive.

We have discovered that the balance on the planet is delicate, the lack of rain or excess she makes that carrots are not so crisp, large or so sweet; grandparents cannot go out to enjoy the fresh air, they stay indoors, where there is a protective shield which protects them from the bad feeling of the heat and going out to water the plants is not fun. 

If I could decide how the world is, it would give the exact amount of sun, rain, wind, or snow, I would also programmed it so when Bubu and her friends want to be outside, they can do so. I would paint all the faces with smiles and I wouldn’t accept that people look ugly to those who are different, because there are no differences when you looking through your heart.

There would be more bridges, because bridges help to put things and persons together and allow that things find each other, I would put closer my grandparent´s houses, so I could visit it more often, and I’ll find the cure for degenerative diseases, so we wouldn't have to suffer with the needles, because doctors still cannot hear me when I say that they must find another way to cure us.

Nobody would need eyes to enjoy square circles of black colors, they  would  be seen and used in order to make extraordinary things, for example, paintings with music of bronze that everybody could  admire.

There would be more frogs in the gardens, because they eat mosquitoes, I don't like when mosquitoes bite us during the night, so if frogs eat them,  I could stay outside more time when mom waters our plants. Fairy tales says that if you kiss a frog it  becomes a princes, thus it would be more Champys in the world, he  is a prince because he takes care of me all the time.

Of course,  I can’t have all the ideas, so all together can make this a better world. Would you help me?, together we can do it great!

If you want to read about my mom's work, you can visit http;//


  1. Bubu!

    How can we help you? so cute!
    And don't worry princess, carrost won't dissapear!!!

  2. You are so adorable dear Bubu! I love your idea about the world!

  3. Aldonza y Dolores, thanks for reading us!

    You can help looking around you, helping people around you and smiling!:)

  4. We are smiling with you. To scientists, even smiling apes live longer than depressive ones
