When a dog can hear, communication with their owners comes almost naturally. They learn to recognize the tone and intensity of the word of command, and owners usually use only few of those words to teach their doggies to know what is expected from them.
On the other hand, a deaf dog learns different, we must know someone is talking or barking to us. Mom and I learn that as first thing, so she is always sure I am seeing her to let me know she is talking to me, and this little detail became a very important piece of our communication. Moreover if I don't pay attention to my surroundings, I tend to feel scared. So eye contact is my door into the world.
But being so small, mom required other means to get my attention while we walk, so my leash became my ears. Depending where or how I walk, my leash gives me more or less freedom. For example, if we are crossing a street, my leash gets short to let me be closer to my mom, but when there is no danger, my leash lets me run almost freely.
If I do not want to do something, then I get a warning with a slight pull that makes me to pay attention. If I don't want to walk or climb down stairs, mom just pulls a little bit at the same time she shortens my leash, and trust me when that happens , she is not playing, and I do what she is asking with no more questions.
But not only mom has the power of communication, that comes in two ways, and I have learned some ways to get mom's attention. For example, if I want something, I simply need to scratch her leg, and with my eyes I say: give me a carrot mom! ... If that fails, then I changes my face: I’m hungry and I want what you're eating!. Unfortunately she never gives me something unhealthy, so usually I get a kibble or a carrot; but if that's not what I want, I take whatever she gives me in my mouth then I throw it, that makes very clear to everyone: thanks, that's not what I want!.
When mom tries to avoid the temptation to listen to me, especially when she has a lot of work, then the trick is to make a sound of distress such that everybody would think that I have stomach ache and I must run to a hospital ... that never fails! ... That’s the best way to catch all the attention, and if also I make a face of: Please mommy, I want a carrot, there is no human power to avoid me.
Other useful sign comes up when I want to go to the bathroom or if I want to go out. I only need to scratch the door if it's closed and nobody can have any doubt that I need to get out, of course, nobody likes when Bubu produces damages to doors ... so usually that opens any door easily.
If I want to come up to a high place, I only need to look at the point where I want to be and make a slight sound as if I say: "please, I want to be up". And when I get bored of being up or I prefer to go elsewhere, then I move to the edge and pretend I'm going to jump and fall ... I am so small that everyone is afraid that I can kill myself ...
When I walk down the street is very important an effective communication, because there are three poses that anybody who cares for me needs to understand: pee pose, poop pose and when I just want to smell around here and there so please, don't bother me.
And it's important not to confuse them, otherwise, a normal walk may last for hours waiting for me, because if I have the opportunity, I love to do nothing else than just smell the grass and read emails from other dogs.
When I want to play, I softly bite feet or arms, and when I want you to hold me up, I jump to ask for a hug.
If I see a stranger dog, I change my pose and I pretend to be the bravest and biggest dog of the world!; and when finish my poop, I move my legs as male dog, just to say, Bubu is brave and just finished her cooking .
But a message that everyone understands, humans, dogs or cats, is when I want to express affection, I give hugs and clean faces with my tongue until anyone feels tired. Everyone who knows me, knows that is my way of saying unequivocally: I love you, thanks for caring!, Because it's the universal language of love!.
Communication is not only a word, is the meaning that the person who sends and receives and how conceives the message.
That's the reason that No matter if mom or dad have to give me medication, or if sometimes berate me, because I know very well why they have to do it, they do those things because they love me. Although sometimes it hurts, if we can be together another year, it doesn't matter, a hug or a carrot fixes everything.
If you would like to know more about mom’s writing
you can visit her web site: http://www.almadzib.com
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