Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Simply, inseparable friends

Dogs are creatures designed by nature, furry and four-legged, with something that makes us to compete the same by a ball or a hug, because we were specially designed to fill emotional gaps. 

This is why whoever invented us, liked hair, maybe that’s the reason to put so much hair on us, in some cases almost obsesively, so we can be huggable, making bath time so  fun and to make angry to owners who should clean the spaces that we declare  as our propiety.Bubu and I don’t leave hair everywhere, but we are so fluffy!.

Our cousin Harry, © Luis German Dzib Aguilar
Our inventor made several prototypes before he or she felt happy with  all the project, so there are many brands, sizes, colors and shapes. Some were designed to kiss, others to run behind cats, others got tremedous personality and some others have two sad eyes capable to give us everything we ask for... I think that it is an application to survive.

 I guess whoever designed dogs, thought about  build some special samples as Bubu, this is not because they have missing parts, but they have different applications, for example one of them make humans to react as soon as they touch these doggies and receive a signal to wish to take care of them forever. 

In general we have a cover similar to video games consoles, which attracts dust and dirt, but that makes it almost difficult to let us go, because we become more special, beautiful, and intelligent creatures of the world to those who has us around. However this protection stops working in case of floods, earthquakes, or economic problems, because then, we lose all our credit and lives and must go to the street.

We were equipped with two ears to hear when other dogs bark and to sing in unison, for some strange reason, some of us confuse the sirens of ambulances or patrols,  so sing with them, but it is only a small defect in the design, it was probably part of the errors of one of the many prototypes.

To avoid the traffic in the big cities, our inventor put to dogs an app that encourages us to walk or run when we are on the street, the pleasure is similar to when humans eat chocolate or buy their first Smartphone. It's a euphoria that goes beyond the senses and want to show it to everyone: look at me, my owner and I are walking!.

I know that the urban myth says that we were designed to workout with humans or to help the to flirt, but not,children were designed for those reasons!. Dogs walk to stretch their legs, find messages the same way that humans do it with Facebook and to maintain healthy kidneys.

We are social creatures, we don't like being alone,we could but designer didn’t put us a thumb to open cans of food or to use the remote control, so we need humans to support us in our daily activities, but unlike humans that when they get angry break all belongings to those who loved, if we believe that we were left, we eat everything around not as an act of aggression, but to search the can opener or the phone to be able to order pizza.

Cats and other creatures that live in our houses are our friends, but we like to play rude with them to give humans histories to tell and videos to earn popularity on  Youtube.

We don’t love our dog perfume, but we save water, have you heard about climate change and the need of water around the world?.

In our heart, our designer put us something special that makes fall in  love to everyone, all dogs have it, but some humans are immune. 

Canine species has evolved in such a way that we are the best pills against depression, arthritis, Alzheimer's and autism. The advantage is that we have no side effects.

Well it's time to leaveall these explanations, mom and Bubu are ready to watch TV and they need me, so please have a great evening and do not forget: ask a dog as Christmas gift, this year deers won’t work with Santa because Rudolf was accused of circulating and speeding without pay for a toll road.

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