I do not know how I discovered them; I guess one day they crossed front me. But I guess it was in the kitchen. Mom lets me make her company when she is cooking, although the rule to that place is that I can not be near the stove because something can jump by accident and burning me.
But, my diet is simple, I started eating chicken and rice from the first day I came home with mom. Edward & Nannys had a special diet because they were already veterans and sick. When we used to go to buy chicken, there were no questions about how we wanted it, everybody knew about Edward: chicken breast, no skin or fat. Mom cooks it with rice for 30 or 40 minutes. And even now if you want me to have breakfast or dinner, that's all I will accept. Eventually for dinner I can accept a little canned food, but lately I've become a little ... ok! ... Very picky about food.
But between meals, I enjoy other delicacies, such as carrots. And they are rich in beta carotene so help to maintain healthy skin and eyes. Moreover, even if they are sweet, do not contain too much sugar, so my doctor didn't forbid me to eat them when I was declared officially diabetic. She said it was a healthy food for me.
My carrots must be washed and cut into small pieces; I like to hear the sound when my teeth grind them, and this bright orange! Are as smiles in the middle of nowhere ... are ... just carrots!.
One day, mom & dad took Champ and me to a kennel, because they would travel. It was a very elegant and there was a person who asked many questions including, if we used to eat a snack between meals, but she did not let mom or dad responded, when she added: you can choose between ice cream, popcorn or special kibbles. Mom said we didn't eat any of that, that we liked the carrots. The woman opened her eyes so big!, I thought they would come out, and shaking her head said that carrots were not on the menu.
I had never heard anything more amazing!, No carrots on the menu ... what kind of place does not include these delights?.
My diet is supplemented with my night, night cookie, is one of those kibbles that are used when you do something well, it's our prize of the day, and mom or dad give us one with a goodnight kiss. That makes our perfect dreams.
Besides, if I am in good mood I can prove grapes or apples. Champ prefers apples. I love cookies, but I have not eaten lately. It is not supposed to eat salty things to keep my kidney healthy, but when mom doesn’t realize, Dad gives us chips, that's a prize!, And when we travel to see my grandpas, dad buys us a cheeseburger, I don't like bread but beef is delicious, we get it if we behave well in the car.
Water is important, so I take it every time I want. Between that and these kibbles to clean my teeth, life is delicious. But definitely, the bright orange makes everything look good.
And we must never lose the opportunity to eat them, because experts say that next winter will be very cold, expect a new ice age, and if so, frost will kill everything.
If you would like to know more about mom’s writing
you can visit her web site: http://www.almadzib.com
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